
So Tesla is considered by many to be the best so far, who didnt get the recognition coz he didnt get along with the others in the scientific community. Tesla n einstein would exchange insults more than how people do in forums such as Topix.
Anyhu, this is about the Theory of everything(TOE) in physics, something about what I believe – Im inclined towards ether theory and somethings that come to mind on these issues.
First – the lastest version of TOE is called string theory 5.0 or somethign where they say that the Matter are strings vibrating in 11 dimensions. The 11 dimension thing is purely mathematical – to make their pointless equations fit, whereas according to their logic – theoretically there could be millions of dimensions. But lets focus on the Major part – Strings
Now with the string theory – we are assuming a lot more than the ether theory and we still havent unified matter and energy yet. For example consider the photon..it has a string there are waves within the string which is the energy component which makes it vibrate. When they say light moves at velocity ‘c’ is it the velocity of string travelling through space? if so what does the velocity of the waves with the string account for? What exactly is the nature of the strings..I mean when they combine with other strings like a chappathi dough, how exactly is the bonding taking place. More importantly – the fundamental energy – is it acting within the string and making it vibrate or is it responsible for making the string travel in space?
Now Mass/Matter( a substance that occupies space) they say can be converted to energy. Force( and energy thats the consequence of force or a potential of force) is something that can cause a push or a pull (on a medium/substance). How can we visualise A formless push being converted into a Form occupying a space??? Ever heard of thing like photon pair to electron-positron annihilation , or even Nuclear reactions..these are all matter getting converted to energy and vice versa.
What the ether theory says is this..
Imagine a rope wave .. the wave is the energy and it travels in a medium of the rope. The particles of the rope are not displaced permanently from their relative positions to their neighbouring particles unless the rope breaks. Ether theory says the same that the fundamental particles are nothing but the waves of energy vibrating in the medium called ether. When scientists say fundamental particles, they havent exactly touched it and confirm that they occupy space, They have only detected it by making its impact felt on other matter.
The Force has different orientations,directions,intensity the different combinations denoting different particles. just like how in an orbital motion there are 2 components – centrifugal and centripetal forces, just like how there are different components in a toroidal vertex or just like how harbhajans bowling has spin,elevation and line, each particle has different component forces..and these forces manipluate into different quantum properties such as spin, charge, mass…which are really just different orientations of force. I mean a charge could be a force/counter force oriented in Y axis and mass could be something oriented in the Z axis and a spin is something oriented in the x-axis. Many of you may ask so if you turn a magnet 90 degrees will you get electricuted?? I dont mean it that way…With respect to a fundamental particle, its mass may be a force oriented in one dimension and a charge in another dimension…after all charge,mass and spin all exert a force onto other things around them. And with so many possible directions and orientations..we have infinite fundamental particles..which is exactly what the people at CERN are discovering everyday..I mean they are trying to make a pointless classifications and define the property of each of the stable/ unstable particles..but the underlying concept is that they are different manifestations/orientation of Force. A photon(plain energy) getting converted into charge and mass ( photon annihilation), and conversion of matter to energy can all be explained by this phenomenon. So A particle is basicallly a bundled up, stable energy in a position( imagine a hurricane/cyclone, or multi-harmonic static wave). But the point here is it is only a push or a pull and its effect has to be on a medium that fills space( i mean there could be space without this medium, but no EM wave would be able to travel in it).
Previously people rejected that Ether exist because to light to travel so fast it shud be highly dense and 0 viscous. This is like saying an iron bar/or any dense fluid medium has to be zero viscous since sound travels through it pretty fast. They dont understand ether doesnt have to be zero viscous coz its not just the medium of light, but the medium of all of us and all things. …The point is Every form that we see, is just energy which is shifting its position in ether – I mean to say that every second the ether space next to you is getting converted into you, and the ether space you presently occupy is getting converted into the person standing next to you ( or rather is getting occupied by the stable force waves that make up the form of the person next to you). Are you able to picture that?
So when some particles( packed up combination of forces) become unstable by virtue of extra force coming into/getting lost in one dimension/component, the entire particle collapses by releasing this energy/force which travel to other position and impact or form other particles.
lets look at the theories of mainstream people who rejected ether.
Michelson, who was supposed to be a great guy who found out the light speed and did the cornerstone experiment on which all modern theories thereafter was based on, was not even smart enough to correclty identify the distance travelled by the light in his experiment( i mean this is basic 10 th std math stuff if you see the diagram in above link). No one knows if that experiments were credible and becoz of this that the light speed is constant in all inertial reference frames is under question.
One can play pingpong inside a moving train because,the ball gains and loses velocity in the corresponding directions to make up for the relative motion of the people inside the train. It could be that the light/photons also gains or loses speed( this is another way of accounting for the stationary ether wind via earth’s gravity)..in case ur surprised, what do you think refraction in water/prism effect is? speed of light is slowed in lenses,water etc.
If one were to go with special theory of relativity – imagine the following thought experiment.
In space lets consider a garage and car which is like 90% the lenght of garage. The car has some wings attached half-way through so that the wings will stop the car before it can enter the garage completely(only 45% of the garage will be occupied when the wings stop the car). Lets say the car is moving at 95% speed of light..
Now the person sitting in the car wud imagine that the garage is moving towards him and so the garage should shrink by 70% (or watever the formula mandates) and hence the car bumper will touch the end wall of garage before the wings could stop his car from entering completely. The person leaning on garage wall would think that since car is moving so fast, the car will shrink and the wings will stop the car from hitting the garage wall. So which will happen?? If you think you can answer that cartoonishly imagining expansion and contraction after collision..i can extend the scenario with piezo-electricity of the garage and point out an anomality where one person sees red and another person sees green.
So I think STR is bullshit and so is einsteins space getting bent theory GTR – as i prefer the gravitational and other forces bending light rather than space getting bent. I mean everyone can see light bending in water, prism and around sharp edges due to interaction with forces within the Water/prism medium etc. Why would einstein think of space getting bent?? and time getting bent and going back in time to give your grandma a watch, which she gave you when you were a kid, which she got from the future you and so no one knows when the watch was actually manufactured n shit.
The properties of ether are the one yet to be deciphered correctly and thats what Tesla wanted the scientific community to investigate on.
So this is what i believe..All particles and their quantum properties are only different manifestation(direction,orientation like circular or linear or spin) of these Fundamental force waves in the medium known as ether. EM wave-particles may or may not travel at variable speeds – within the medium of ether( depends on the final version of the morley experiment – i mean i can give a link which has totally different results from the first MM experiment)
1)Could be a continuous medium(no sub particles)..there is never displacement of any ethereal substance , like how the sections of a rope may be displaced when a mechaical wave travels through it. But the question would be – just like how a mechanical wave changes the position of the medium in space, what does the fundamental force waves change on the ether medium?
does it change nothing, but just simply and instantaneously transfers force onto the next section of ether space?..this is unlikely as any force by definition has to have some effect/change on a medium. Also for EM radiation to be atleast 10000 times slower than information, there cannot be instantaneous transfer of force between ether sub-particles and there must be a degree of freedom to vibrate.
2) Does ether have sub particles blinded by another force – which make them very elastic to change positions temporarily but never tear or re-arrage existing connections like how particles in fluids do. and thus act like a very solid and elastic medium for the EM waves.This binding has only a force of attraction component and there is no replusion component like in intermolecular forces. The lattice remain intact becoz one ethereal substance cannot really collapse into the space of another substance..this just like the every day bservable phenomenon. But the force waves present in this medium are able to temporarily disturb the sub-ether elements’ position which are quickly restored by the attraction force between them.
The real things to find out are why is the speed of light 225 K km/h or what is the actual speed of force itself n pure ether(vaccum)- is it the same as c ?..i think it is c only coz..the far electric field is what is called an EM radiation wave — that is signal for your radio and TV.
With the discovery of faster-than light phenomenon(more like more than 10000 times faster than c) the medium has to be a complex one….where the conduction like phenomenon of the ether sub-particles making the light slower(c) than the actual speed of information travel within the medium.
So INFORMATION is the new speed limit and not light, and people are trying to put together what this information that travels between 2 entangled photon is
The copenhagen interpretation holds that quantum mechanics does not yield a description of an objective reality but deals only with probabilities of observing, or measuring, various aspects of energy quanta, entities that fit neither the classical idea of particles nor the classical idea of waves. The act of measurement causes the set of probabilities to immediately and randomly assume only one of the possible values.
What the above means is the that diagram represented in the first image of the previous link..may not be the accurate picture of photon/electron/quantum propogation..and that it might actually have a much complex Higher harmonic standing wave proprties//like that of a double toroidal vertex or something like that..Look below what is a single toroidal vertex
now the rings are rotating in opposite directions in the two extremes of the diameter of the vertex. If some one were to change the spin in one end, the spin in the other end must also reverse correspondingly right? This may be the case with the change of spin in quantum entanglemet too..only thing is we have to imagine a more complex structure for these quantum objects.
When we think of visible objects..all the way upto elemtary particle interacting with each other, we just have to imagine all of the matter(from visible objects to elemetary particles like quark and leptons) as a Higher harmonic stationary waves- when they are stationary, or higher harmonic travelling waves when they are travelling. The interaction between these particles/waves has to be pictured as a transfer of components of force/velocity from one wave to another. Although they all have energy within them to bring about a change in the position of the ether sub-particles, the energy transfers around and just ends up being like those toroidal vertexes in the medium of water. Only difference is in the water..it is convection(as in the molecules of water keep swirling/moving and change their relative position to each other, but in ether it is like conduction like a sound wave..where the relative position of their sub-particles dont change but nevertheless energy is transferred and becomes either a stationary or a travelling wave. The reason for the speed of information being much higher than photon is this. the photon will be like a ripple in water..it is displacing the water molecules and travelling by virtue of the medium of water, however it will be very slow compared to the inter-molecular forces of attraction in the water. For example in the toroidal vetex – the circle expanding in diameter is analogous to photon speed, however if the direction of spin is influenced at one point, the influence is felt all around the ring more instantaneously. In other words..the speed of light depends upon the elasticity and the degree of vibration of the ether sub-particles, but information is just instantaneous and at a more fundamental level.
So to picture this..the medium is ether with its sub-ether elements. and the force waves manifest themselves differently to give different elementary particles observed so far – thus accounting for the mass-energy conversion. The propogation of EM waves is the conduction of these forces waves in the ethereal lattice.
When sound waves counduct thru a medium, the atomic latices are changed temporarily and restored( taking a bit of time for this)..this is what causes sound waves[note that the restoring forces are those inter-molecular/atomic/fundamental forces]. The same way for EMR/energy propogation, there has to be temporary changes in space position of the ethereal-sub elements. The quintessential question here then is….what is the restoring force of the ether lattice? It has to be some sort of gluing/attraction force between the ether sub-particles .
A comparison between Ether theory and String Theory
Both the theories stipulate that the different particles are different orientation of Energy – only difference is in the medium. Ether theory says that whole of space(which facilitate Energy Propogation) has got the medium called ether in which waves are present, whereas the string theory says that the medium is tiny bits of string in which waves are present.
However string theory has a lot more assumption..
- they say that strings can attach and detach – not explaining how attachment and detachment is possible(are there other forces/particles coming into play for this?).
- It does not say anything about the property of the string ie to which extent the string can stretch(as it allows waves in it) and what are the factors behind the tension in the string and what is the string made of?
- It does not specify if the waves within the string contribute the EM energy waves or if the Movement of the string as a whole constitutes the EM energy propogation. ( i meaning the rope wave – are they saying that the wave movement as energy propogation or are they claiming the whole rope movement as travel of photons and EM carriers?)
- Assuming the wave nature of EM wave propogation( assume that the EM waves travelling like ripples in the pond) are they saying that a single string stretches in circumference as the wave propogates???? or miraculously a number strings of differente photons combine in perfect coordination and in phase while the EM waves propogate?
- Regarding an EM field..it is a contiuous field in space..if only interactions of strings are responsible of energy propogation, no field can ever exist in empty space and all energy propogation will be like conduction or convection of these strings and the concept of radiation is not possible.
The medium no doubt has to have substance in space upon which energy can act . when we investigate into why the speed of light is ‘c’ we will have more answers i guess.
The problem rite now is..neither the ether theory or the String theory is testable and the underlying medium be detectable.
Recollecting the copenhagen interpretation…I think that the the experiments conducted and the thories built so far by the Physics society is far from being a perferct or a accurate desription of a lot of things in physics. Not saying this coz im not from the west. Im sorry this is all the facts i could get from high schools physics, which I had taken physics fro my UG or PG so that I could have wondered more technically n intelligently in these matters. But dont worry, a blog also coming up on something that had something to do with my Masters too
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